Friday, August 14, 2009

i forgot

i know you have
you knew someone's birthday was coming up
but you forgot to think of something meaningful to get them
and now it's too late
two days, one day, today is not enough time to think of
or retrieve that thoughtful gift you thought of
or didn't think of
one reason is because you're forgetful (like me)
the other reason is
that person whose birthday it is
is IMPOSSIBLE to shop for

my solution
even though i think i'm very easy to shop for
is to lay it out there what i would like
for my birthday
don't worry, you have some time
and i'll keep adding to this list in case you don't connect with anything on here
mind you, these are all thing i NEED, not want

underwear (one pink, one black)
guitar (asking for a vintage one seemed a bit much for a birthday present)
guitar strap
more glassware

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