Wednesday, July 20, 2011

apples for apples

do you ever keep trying to do something...but something else keeps getting in the way...or steals your attention? i've been trying to read a book...but i either forget it at home, forget it at work, am too tired, would rather roll over and cuddle with my wife, get through a page only to realize i don't rememmber one thing i read, or like today...get so engrossed with reading something else that i don't have anymore time on my lunch break to read my book.

on my lunch break i usually eat, check my phone for ever-so-important texts and e-mails and as of late, watch Le Tour De France for the rest of the hour. today i was bound and determined to a whole chapter! so as i was wrapping up my normal checkings...i decided to stop one last place...which i stop regularly...i stopped here. This is one of my favorite places to go...i learn about the important current events, who will one day shape the history of our world, what i will look back and smile about when i am 10 years older, etc...not to mention, i get to catch up on my dearly beloved sister and her life...which somedays i think about as much as my own. today, i got so caught up in reading every last word she wrote and clicking on every picture and link...i now realize my lunch break is over...i didn't even take my book out of the drawer it lives in...and now i will have to wait till tonight when i'm too tired to read, to try and read.

but it was so worth reading for reading. i actually feel like i learned as much about life and love and family and God as i would've learned reading my "spiritual" book about spirituality.

thanks Angie for always being the sister i look up to and have always learned so much about life from. and for still rocking that fly-paper handle wrap!

1 comment:

a blog full of weldons. said...

tears, my love, tears. oh how i wish we were going together. i have a feeling i'm going to need my brother. i take comfort in knowing you have been one of the strongest influencers in my life. God has used you to breathe passion and life into me. i will dream of the day when we can all go together. mom and dad. me and you. clint and lauren. the boys and the girl. and maybe, just maybe, a little mr. or miss that will, no doubt, love guitars and cats named reed.
i love you dearly. always.