geeky stuff
i'm on this quest to be able to capture
what i see with my eyes
some things look better captured
and some things look better in my eyes
every once in awhile
while i'm perusing craigslist
or some gear-page
i notice how amazing my eyes work
whether you wear glasses or not
your eyes are the best lens you could ever imagine
sure they don't zoom or have metering options
but they are so clear and quick and alive
the colors are so vibrant
no panoramic camera can capture a landscape
like your peripheral vision
i wonder if someone could measure it
how much memory our brains have?
would it be like 1,000 terabytes?
or 10,000 petabytes?
or a zottabyte?
i think the one thing that amazes me
about photos/cameras
is the macro
they are by far my favorite pictures to take
because i can't see the little details
it can see those little flower stem hairs
and i love to see them!
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